Eco's response to COVID-19

March 16, 2020

Eco, like businesses across the world, are closely following Government and WHO updates and advice, endeavoring to protect our team, partners and customers.

Our top priority is to protect the health and safety of our people, both in and outside of our workplaces. We understand that we must make rapid, highly informed decisions, and take immediate actions to protect and support our people while ensuring that critical business operations continue in order to help continuity.

Eco already operate a flexible working policy wherever possible with our staff. This has helped creare a strong foundation should further containment and social distancing be required.

What we know so far:
  • Signs and symptoms – cough / difficulty in breathing / fever.
  • How is it spread – when there is close contact (within 2 meters or less) with an infected person or touching contaminated surfaces or objects.
  • The list of specified areas is constantly updated so the control will be on the places each person has visited and the people they have been in contact with as per our visitor and contractor questionnaire.

What have we done so far:
  • We issued a notice to staff on 03/03/2020 to inform them of the situation at the time and safety protocols.
  • We have stocked all our sites with alcohol based hand sanitisers and have put up posters reminding all of the safety rules to be followed.
  • We have created a visitor and contractor questionnaire to be completed by anyone visiting our sites - this will determine whether access will be allowed to our sites.
  • We have formed an Incident Management Team.
  • We have operational staff available to be moved between teams so we can maintain our levels of service, within reason and if the circumstances allow it.
  • We have informed all employees of internal measures to keep them safe.
  • We are restricting business travel to essential travel only.
  • We are following the protocol of requesting any employee showing any of the symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days.
  • We are recommending employees with holidays booked to inform us of their destination and to contact their travel companies for advice.

Our Incident Management Team are:

Name Position Contact Number Email Address
Eddie Black Managing Director 07788 411738
Mike Jefferson Commercial Director 07711 034100
Silvia Oliveira Training Director 07802 328587
Why we created a contingency plan:
  • We want to ensure our staff, visitors and customers are safe when they visit our premises, or we visit theirs.
  • We want to make sure we have a continuity plan in place and are following the WHO and UK Government directives on the best plan of action.
  • We want to ensure our approach in dealing with this situation is informed and calm
  • Risk in the UK at the moment is considered high

We have also:
  • Analysed our current technology capabilities and ability to scale out internally, including our current communications plan and support structure.
  • Identified how we can leverage existing technologies to ensure we continue operating effectively.
  • Implemented a change management plan, including leadership communications that encourage employees to adopt key technologies that will facilitate connections to their team members and leaders in this new environment, internal meetings and external events.
  • Identified how to expand our workplaces to the periphery, including a focus on home networking, broader networking, security, upgrading other tools and capabilities and helping our people learn and embrace new ways of working with each other.

With Government and WHO policies changing at a rapid rate, we are ready to adapt and refine our internal policies as required.

If you require assistance in ensuring your business communications are adaptive in these difficult times, we can help. Please get in touch at

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