latest news
By Eddie Black February 21, 2024
Always leading the way in developing innovations, Eco Group has appointed 19-year-old Elkie Black to head up its EcoMetrix carbon accountancy data department. 
By Eddie Black January 5, 2024
Following COP28, pressure is being ramped up on businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. The new EcoMetrix platform will help businesses measure their carbon usage and inform them how to reduce their carbon number.
Businesses were given invaluable insight and advice to help them stay ahead of the technology.
By Eddie Black November 27, 2023
Businesses were given invaluable insight and advice to help them stay ahead of the technology curve at an event held by a leading solutions business.
BUSINESSES are being given an opportunity to learn from industry experts on the best way to future
By Eddie Black November 17, 2023
BUSINESSES are being given an opportunity to learn from industry experts on the best way to future proof their companies at a special event this month.
Eco’s green build solution to help solve nation’s housing crisis showcased at UK’s biggest zero carb
By Eddie Black October 31, 2023
Eco’s green build solution to help solve nation’s housing crisis showcased at UK’s biggest zero carbon built environment festival
By Eddie Black September 18, 2023
Eco has teamed up with Dr Ernesto and Martha Sirolli to join businesses in Italy, Switzerland and the USA in a network of companies working with the dynamic business leaders to bring innovations to market.
By Eddie Black August 30, 2023
Two pioneering businesses have signed a memorandum of understanding to bring game-changing innovations in sustainable technologies to aerospace, maritime, clean energy and other industries.
By Eddie Black June 14, 2023
At Eco, we're all about ideas, innovation and thinking ahead - and it’s great to see that the next generation is just the same.
By Eddie Black June 1, 2023
Stephen Whelan, technical director at Carlisle-based Integrity IT Solutions, on why resolving IT issues will protect your business now and in the future.
By Eddie Black June 1, 2023
With ever-increasing pressures on businesses to achieve net zero, Gary Robertson, from EcoGoZero, explains why collaboration is key.
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