Eco’s green build solution to help solve nation’s housing crisis showcased at UK’s biggest zero carbon built environment festival

October 31, 2023

A green build solution by Scottish-based innovators Eco which uses recycled glass to help tackle the nation’s housing crisis is set to be showcased at the UK’s biggest zero carbon built environment festival.

Given the massive problems that housing shortages across the UK are causing, it’s our duty to look at new sustainable solutions to these urgent challenges to meet both immediate and longer term needs.”

- Eddie Black, Eco's Managing Director

Eco’s VASO Build Solutions will create buildings from panels manufactured from recycled glass, providing affordable, low energy cost, low carbon dwellings for all stages of life and lifestyle.

Through the development and delivery of better materials and modern methods of off-site construction, Eco’s VASO product provides housing solutions for social landlords, social housing providers and private house builders, as well as being ideal for commercial buildings.

Eco’s innovation is one of only six initiatives to be selected for support on the Circular and Sustainable Materials Accelerator which is being established by Scotland’s construction innovation centre BE-ST.

Eco’s new build system and building modules, which use circular processes and advanced materials, aim to reduce the cost of living in new builds as well as being fast to deploy as a retro-fit solution in existing buildings.

The innovation will be showcased at BE-ST’s zero carbon build summit being held at Hamilton International Technology Park on November 1.

Eddie Black, Eco’s Managing Director, said: “This circular innovation will create a new build system and building modules with scalable manufacturing, providing large amounts of housing quickly and sustainably where it is most required.

“We are delighted this innovation has been chosen by BE-ST for this support and look forward to working with those on the accelerator to help make this yet another game-changing innovation from Scotland.

“It’s also a solution which will create green economy jobs - helping young people gain new skills, apprenticeships and reskilling others to create new career opportunities.”

We are committed to being at the forefront of the net zero revolution and, working in collaboration with businesses and other organisations, creating a legacy which will make a difference now and for generations to come.”

- Gary Robertson, Eco Group Opportunity Strategist

Eco Group Opportunity Strategist Gary Robertson has been invited to present the innovation at the BE-ST event which is looking at how businesses can break through barriers to accelerate society’s journey to zero carbon.

Gary said “Our ambition at Eco is to make a profound and positive difference in people’s lives and have a significant, sustainable global impact.”

From deploying world-first decarbonisation technology at its HQ at Annan in Dumfries and Galloway, to providing practical everyday solutions such as off-grid lighting, Eco’s partnerships with market-leading tech companies ensure that it can make innovative technologies accessible to businesses and organisations across the UK.

The BE-ST conference brings together different organisations who are focussed on the future of decarbonising the built environment.

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