EcoGoZero are providers of advanced technologies to help organisations with resilient carbon mitigation solutions.
We collaborate to make advancing technologies and affordable solutions accessible to help reduce your carbon footprint, meet regulations and create a better future.
Take a look at some of our solutions.
Decarbonising gas/ graphene & hydrogen production
carbon accountancy
lighting and energy solutions
EV charging infrastructure
Circular glass panel construction
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
innovative approaches to energy decentralisation, infrastructure innovations and decarbonised travel.
Team Eco know the time is now to secure a future for the next generations; the time is now to create high value green jobs that have an impact on the longevity for the individual, community and to have a positive impact on place and planet.
Decarbonisation technology.
Eco has partnered with Levidian Ltd to deploy in the South of Scotland the first remote implementation of the pioneering LOOP technology in the UK.
It is also a world-first deployment of a LOOP system with fully integrated hydrogen separation – decarbonising methane-rich gas to deliver hydrogen and graphene on site, with the objective of achieving NetZero Carbon Emissions and utilisating the hydrogen for energy.
As part of our long term agreement with Levidian, we will enable more organisations to purchase their own LOOP system and create a solution based on their ambitions.
Beneficiaries of this technology include hydrogen technology developers who require H2 for their R&D, companies who want access to high quality controlled graphene to integrate into their existing products to create differentiation, industrial and agricultural sites who wish to decarbonise their energy streams, reduce their carbon footprint and produce H2 on site for their organisation.
more information
coming soon.
recycled glass panel / off site construction.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) are being sought in order to increase efficiency in producing buildings in a manufacturing environment. Modular and offsite construction is leading the charge on lowering cost and increasing volume.
Eco are creating a new build system and building modules using circular processes and advanced materials. Reducing the cost of living in new builds and retro fitting of buildings and with fast deployments.
Eco will deploy affordable, low energy cost, low carbon dwellings for all stages of life and lifestyle for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), Social Housing providers and Private House Builders.
This will create green economy jobs - including young people gaining new skills, apprenticeships and reskilling to create new career opportunities.
It will increase investment in remote areas and economic enablement - where large amounts of housing is required quickly to accommodate workers where there is a housing shortage.
more information
coming soon.
off grid energy management at eco.
Implementation of multiple low carbon, sustainable and renewable solutions which will enable Eco HQ to demonstrate an off-grid energy supply to its 3,000 square meter premises in Annan, ensuring carbon footprint reduction and energy security.
The solution will complement our existing EV charging and lighting from renewable sources solution and will also support the LOOP decarbonisation technology we will be deploying in September 2023.
Creating a Systems model solution for industrial, agricultural and commercial sites delivered in collaboration.
By creating exemplar solutions to meet client demands, working example of technology will deliver positive impacts such as:
• Increased energy security,
• Increased financial security,
• Reduction in carbon foot print,
• for local communities due to business being less reliant on the grid.
Eco and our partners will create opportunities in green renewable energy skills, new employment and retention by up skilling in addition to the benefits to our clients businesses and their communities.
more information
coming soon.
Carbon accountancy.
By signing up to EcoMetrix and becoming climate smart, organisations will retain their data, become aligned to UN sustainability goals, gain automatic accreditation when their footprint lowers, receive an annual certification report, have full SECR reporting capability and downloadable reporting when they require it for their clients and supply chain.
Our aspiration is to make it easier for our business and other organisations to report carbon accounting on a monthly and annual basis, in line with financial reporting.
All organisations will be impacted by the requirement to produce carbon data reports and have SCER reporting capabilities. EcoMetrix is designed to make it easy and simple for companies, of any size, to measure track and report their carbon emissions. Including smaller companies or those at the start of their carbon emissions data collection journey.
EcoMetrix will not only demonstrate an organisations commitment to carbon and cost reduction, but will help change both climate and customer attitudes.
The pressure on organisations to measure their carbon footprint, plan and implement carbon reduction strategies is now wide ranging across clients, suppliers and their professional support networks.
Our product produces a positive outcome, allowing organisations to grow in a way everyone can win without economic or social cost.
charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
Helping you to meet regulations and easily install EV charging infrastructure.
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